Welcome to - Takamakura - Online hotel reservation page! This page provides information about hotels in Miyajima, Shimanami-kaido, Tomonoura, Kurashiki, Iwakuni, Tsuwano, Izumo Taisha Shrine, Adachi Museum, Daisen and Nara in west Japan, along with beautiful pictures. We provide a service of discounts and privileges. If you're traveling to Japan, please use this site to search for quality hotels and ryokans (traditional inn).
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Japanese folk craft shop in Miyajima

  • Adachi Museum 西日本の美しい風景と気持ち潤す旅の宿。 西日本
  • Nara
  • Tsuwano
  • 西日本地図








    Izumo Taisha Shrine

    Adachi Museum





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Located in Hiroshima, Miyajima is an island designated as a World Cultural Heritage. Since ancient times, Miyajima island has been called the island of god,because Mt.misen is considered to be a god itself. Therefore many shrines and temples are located on Miyajima, such as, Itsukushima Shrine , Otorii Gate, Daishoin Temple, Daiganji and so on. Miyajima also has an abundance of beautiful nature with the deep forest of Mt. Misen.

Miyajima Yado (Hotels)



Onomichi,Hiroshima prefecture and Imabari, Ehime prefecture, is connected by Shimanami-kaido that runs through the islands in the Seto Inland Sea. It is getting more attention because of the well-prepared bicycle road. There are increasing number of not only bicyclists but also pedestrian who can enjoy crossing bridges at their own pace. Thomas Cook once acclaimed that the beauty of Seto Inland Sea is equal to the one beautiful scenery created by gathering the best spots in the world.

Shimanami-kaido Yado (Hotels)



Tomonoura, Hiroshima Pref. is located in the center of Seto Inland Sea. It prospered as a port town in ancient times. In Seto Inland Sea, the tide rises and falls twice a day and it reverses every six hours. Tomonoura was the anchor ground for the trading sail boats without engines to avert the adverse current and catch the tide. This scenic area was designated as the national park for the first time in Japan.
These days, this town has got a lot of attention as the place where Hayao Miyazaki, the animation creator of Studio Ghibli had worked over his plot for the movie "Ponyo on the Cliff by the sea".

Tomonoura Yado (Hotels)



Kurashiki is a historic city of the west Okayama. It developed as a riverport and as an area directly controlled by the Edo Bakufu during the Edo period. The old merchant quarter is called the Bikan historical area. It contains many wooden warehouse, KURA, painted white with traditional black tiles, along a canal framed with weeping willows. The Ohara Museum of Art is the first museum for Western art in Japan. A lot of other cultural facilities exist, Kurashiki archae logical museum, Museum of folk craft ,and the Japanse rural toy museum.

Kurashiki Yado (Hotels)



Bizen Pottery is well known to everyone in Japan. It is a representative of the pottery of the firing process that makes the most of the flavor of the clay. The Bizen Pottery Festival held every October attracts many people from all over the country to this small town. The town of Inbe has a peaceful landscape with brick chimneys. Mitsuishi, to the east of Ibe, is also a town that manufactures refractory bricks. An important cultural property with Bizen ware roof tiles is the former Sizutani Gakko.

Bizen Yado (Hotels)



Iwakuni is a city in the eastern part of Yamaguchi Prefecture. It was a castle town of Iwakuni han during the Edo period. The Kintai Bridge is most the famous sightseeing spot, because it is a beautiful wooden arch bridge spanning the Nishiki river. Kikko park and Iwakuni castle are good places to experience the influences of the Edo era of this castle town.

Iwakuni Yado (Hotels)


Yamaguchi Yuda Onsen

Yuda Onsen hot spring is located in the center of Yamaguchi City, which is the prefectural capital of Yamaguchi Prefecture. There is a legend that the hot spring is found by a white fox long time ago, and the attractive feature is abundant amount of skin friendly alkaline hot water.

Yamaguchi Yuda Onsen Yado (Hotels)

Yamaguchi Yuda Onsen


In Japan, the late 19th century saw the birth of a new government that replaced the Edo shogunate and transformed the country into a modern state. Hagi, which produced many of the people involved in the dawn of modernizing Japan, still retains its Edo period townscape of samurai residences and town houses, a reminder of those days.

Hagi Yado (Hotels)



Tsuwano is a town in Kanoashi District, Shimane Prefecture, and called the Little Kyoto of San-In. Tsuwano is small castle town with old street Tono-machi, there is old buildings and waterway swiming many carp.It is the local country which comes out in tales of old Japan, surrounded by hills. Taikodani Inari Shrine with a tunnel of small red shrine gates. And Otome Toge is telling a sad story of Japanese Catholics who perished for religious belief. Novelist Mori Ogai was born in Tsuwano.

Tsuwano Yado (Hotels)


Izumo Taisha Shrine

Izumo Taisha Shrine enshrines Okuninushi-no-mikoto who is called to have created a country of Japan. It has a solemn and mysterious atmosphere. Izumo Province is the country of gods in Japanese myths and it is said that gods throughout the country get together and stay at Izumo to conduct religious services from October 11 thru 17 (according to the lunar calendar).

Izumo Taisha Shrine Yado (Hotels)

Izumo Taisha Shrine

Yunotsu Onsen and Iwami Ginzan

Yunotsu Onsen Hot Spring and Iwami Ginzan in Oda City, Shimane Prefecture are the World Heritage Site. It is the closest hot spring to Iwami Ginzan. Yunotsu is also a rare town that it is the only hot spring included in the World Heritage Site. Iwami Ginzan, where the townscape including the mining sites of silver was registered as a World Heritage Site. Iwami Ginzan was the only known to Europeans as a Japanese silver mine in the 16th century of the Age of Discovery. This place's draw is the ruins, nature and harmony of people living there. It is a good place for strolling about.

Yunotsu Onsen and Iwami Ginzan Yado (Hotels)

Yunotsu Onsen and Iwami Ginzan


Mihonoseki is located at the eastern end of Shimane Peninsula. It flourished as a port town for awaiting a favorable tide for the ships which was moving by the rise and fall of the tides. Many inns currently in Mihonoseki originate from the wholesaler in the port which also served as an inn and have a long history. In addition, a cobblestone road still exists which was laid as the main street of the past, and you can get a glimpse of its history. Today Mihonoseki is a small port town, but it is an interesting area that is like an epitome of Japan in terms of history and culture.

Mihonoseki Yado (Hotels)


Adachi Museum

Adachi Museum of Art is located one minute walk from Saginoyu-onsen. It has earned a reputation as the best garden in Japan from an American journal of Japanese gardens for over ten years and also received the highest rating in the Michelin Guide. So it has come under the global spotlight. It has a large collection such as the works of masters of traditional Japanese painting including Yokoyama Taikan, ceramic works of Rosanjin and Kawai Kanjiro, so you can enjoy both appreciating art works and the garden.
A complex that includes a museum of art and hot-spring area is rare in western Japan. It would be one of your choice as an accommodation in Izumo because there are many sightseeing spots such as Matsue, Mt. Daisen and Izumo Taisha around there.

Adachi Museum Yado (Hotels)



Mt. Daisen, the highest peak in Chugoku district and called as "Hokifuji", is the famous mountain which represents Japan. It has been respected as a sacred mountain through the ages, and there is a pilgrim's lodging at the starting point for a climb. The path of this mountain with sacred atmosphere is straight and easy to understand for beginners. There are many sightseeing spots like the forest of beech. Mt. Daisen is a single peak mountain, so you can get a very good and beautiful view from the top of the mountain. You can relieve your tiredness from mountain climbing in the hot spring located along the approach of Daisen-ji at the base of the mountain.

Daisen Yado (Hotels)



Nara became the Japanese capital called Heijyo-kyo in 710. As it was the terminal of Silk Road, Nara was the international city from back then where the rich culture flourished. The capital was relocated from Nara in about 70 years' time, but the culture of that era can be seen now in a lot of temples and Buddha statues such as Todai-ji and Kofuku-ji. This is the key factor why Nara was registered on the World Heritage List. In addition, there are many attractions in Nara as age-old convention, festivals and streetscape.

Nara Yado (Hotels)



From old times, Mt. Yoshino is known for the most beautiful cherry blossoms in Japan. In 2004, "Sacred Sites and Pilgrimage Routes in the Kii Mountain Range" including Mt. Yoshino was registered as a world heritage site. The sacred tree of Zaogongen, the principal image of the main hall of Kinpusen-ji Temple which is the center and symbol of Mt. Yoshino was the cherry blossoms. So they have been planted for more than 1,000 years. They are called "Shimosenbon", "Nakasenbon" and "Kamisenbon" depend on where they were planted. In spring, it is alive with a lot of people viewing the cherry blossoms. The unspoiled landscape and color of Mt. Yoshino in spring are perfect. You should visit there once in your life.

Yoshinoyama Yado (Hotels)



It goes without saying that Beppu is the city of hot springs. In Beppu city, hot springs gush out in each place. The number of hot spring wells and the yield of hot water of Beppu is the largest in Japan. You can have a dish using natural foodstuffs such as abundant variety of seafood caught in Setouchi and fresh vegetables from local farmers at each accomodation. You can enjoy going around hot springs, eating around and taking a walk in the city. The atmosphere of Beppu with steam from hot spring makes you feel nostalgic.

Beppu Yado (Hotels)
